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SA’s Home of Design, Build and Maintenance

Paper Plane Publications has been engrained in the fabric of the build industry for 7 years’ and is proudly the only publishing house in SA to boast a monthly hard copy and online issue, read by 3 000 accredited professionals in the design, build and maintenance industries, with a further 5 000 online readers per month.

We’ve recently changed the name of our monthly issues to Scape (an evolution if you will)!

It’s still us though, same team and same drive – to connect every single member of the build community under one title. Come on in, we have plenty space for every professional from a developer, architect, interior designer and urban planner to every landscape architect, designer, engineer, contractor, and maintenance crew.

Every monthly issue is themed to ensure riveting reading material for our audience, and we’ll deep dive into interviews, projects, features, and products that will fuel your passion for growth.

Join us at our annual trade show titled SCAPE South Africa and earn CPD points from accredited associations, and enquire about receiving a PAL campaign if you’ve got a build on the horizon and are looking for the latest and greatest products and finishes for your client.

We jump right in with Scape, ready to explore the exciting new territories on offer, with you…

Welcome home.

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