Geberit SuperTube

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Geberit SuperTube is the innovative technical know-how for hydraulically optimised drains in high-rise buildings. Ingenious, flow-optimised technology creates a continuous column of air within the discharge pipe, meaning a parallel ventilation pipe is no longer required. What’s more, the horizontal pipelines can be laid to a length of up to 6m without a slope. As a result, Geberit SuperTube creates more usable, uninterrupted floor space.

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High ambitions call for a strong partner             

Finding cost-effective and reliable drainage systems for high-rise buildings often presents a challenge for building owners, sanitary engineers and plumbers alike. With its consistent research into hydraulics and its own, in-house product development,

Geberit is raising the bar not only on a technical level, but also when it comes to service. Partnership and reliability are core values that our customers around the world can expect from us. Whether you are looking for sound initial advice, planning support, help with invitations to tender, or building site support, the Geberit team is always by your side when you need it.

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Quality and cost savings in the long run                                                             

The Geberit SuperTube system is the ideal choice whenever the situation calls for a durable and space-saving solution. What’s more, the system offers a whole host of additional benefits in applications where the focus is on the entire life cycle of the building process. Geberit SuperTube also presents real cost savings in the long run, as this system is faster to install and requires less maintenance than its conventional counterparts.

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Geberit hydraulic competence offers reliable building drainage

Contemporary buildings are setting higher requirements than ever before, inclusive of high-quality drainage systems. Large quantities of rainwater and wastewater should be drained safely and reliably over long distances. The hydraulics specialists at Geberit develop and optimise product solutions and systems that can take on this task effortlessly. Our many years of experience in flow engineering, comprehensive physical know-how, and unparalleled simulation and testing opportunities also establish firm foundations in this regard.

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More space afforded by optimised hydraulics                                               

The ingenious, flow-optimised Geberit SuperTube technology creates a continuous column of air in the discharge pipe, meaning a parallel ventilation pipe installation is no longer required.

The pipelines with smaller dimensions, which cope entirely without ventilation pipes, require significantly smaller pipe ducts. What’s more, the horizontal pipelines can be laid to a length of up to 6 metres without a slope, saving on space. As a result, the Geberit SuperTube creates more usable living space.

Everything an efficient drainage system needs                                             

With its maximum discharge capacity of 12 litres per second, and a consistent pipe diameter of 110cm, Geberit SuperTube offers a comparable performance to a conventional system with considerable reductions in space and material requirements.

Taking the Geberit HDPE Sovent fitting to the next level                         

The Sovent fitting has already allowed Geberit to succeed in offering a space-saving solution for high-rise buildings by making it possible to do away with a parallel ventilation pipe. The Geberit SuperTube technology is now taking this concept one step further. Changes in direction have always required an additional ventilation pipe in the past, but the SuperTube has now made this surplus to requirements.

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Space saving installation                                                                                    

Geberit SuperTube saves space in every direction. The ability to do without the additional ventilation pipe reduces spatial requirements in both the vertical stack and in horizontal pipelines, for example with an offset or collector pipe. What’s more, there is also no need for a slope anymore in horizontal pipelines of up to 6m in length. This makes it possible, for example, to install ceiling suspensions extremely close to the concrete ceiling at an offset.

Geberit SuperTube technology facilitates a consistent discharge pipe with a single pipe dimension. There is no need for a ventilation pipe and, what’s more, the horizontal pipeline can even be laid to a length of up to 6 metres without a slope.

Fittings that put a whole new spin on things                                                     

The Geberit SuperTube technology is based on the perfect interplay between four system components. Three clever fittings coupled with the tried-and-tested Geberit HDPE discharge pipe with its high load-bearing capacity combine to create an innovative hydraulic solution that also brings clear additional benefits. These components are permanently welded to ensure a tight connection in the long term.




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