Blok wins Developer of the Year at the SCAPE Awards of Excellence 2024


November is the month for celebrating and showcasing every firm and project that was victorious at the inaugural SCAPE Award of Excellence. These names are raising the bar for excellence in the local architecture and design industry, standing on a stage set for international acclaim. In partnership with Infinity Surfaces and alongside our Impact Partner Oggie, we present the top firms and portfolios in the country for 2024. Introducing the Winner of Developer of the Year: Blok

Founded in 2014 by Marco and Jacques van Embden, Blok has created industry-leading, intuitively designed urban apartments in the Atlantic Seaboard and Cape Town City Centre, inspired by art, nature, and connection. With a decade of experience, 13 developments launched, and five more on the way, Blok delivers urban living in a contemporary and innovative way — a chance to rediscover the neighbourhood, and yourself.

Compact living is the new normal
For Blok, a key consideration in design is the apartments’ location, with city living front of mind. Blok understands that good design is more than aesthetics — it’s about maximising every inch of space, without compromising on lifestyle. ‘Our projects are designed with a vision that aligns with the broader city’s urban development goals, and with creating a smart city, particularly in terms of densification, sustainability, and the integration of lifestyle, work, and mixeduse spaces,’ says Jacques. From multi-purpose furnishings to smart design with space-saving joinery, each apartment is a testament to Blok’s commitment to innovation — catering to the needs of today’s urbanites.

TWELVEONV I Apartment 5A I Balcony View
Jacques van Embden Portrait

Connecting communities
Blok aims to enhance connected communities through innovative urban interventions that reimagine public spaces. Over the past decade, they have focussed on building beautiful apartments while also developing connections with people, communities, local artists, and businesses. These interventions promote and enhance public spaces, making Cape Town more livable, sustainable, and community-oriented.

Blok’s spaces and street furniture facilitate community activities and direct people to find other like-minded groups. In addition, they invest in improving communities’ public facilities and lifestyles, as well as partner with NPOs and change-makers such as Urban Think Tank and Young Urbanist via the Urban Design and Mobility Forum to petition for more bicycle and pedestrian friendly infrastructure.

FIFTY8ONV I Hero Exterior
TENONQ I Hero Exterior1

This multi-faceted approach carries the essence of the firm’s mission to employ urban design to enhance urban living. Rooted in connection, Blok’s work is paving the way for a new era of urbanism.

“Blok demonstrates strong innovation and attention to detail in urban living solutions, particularly in their thoughtful apartment designs and community-focussed developments.” – Mohamadreza Ghodousi, Founder of ZAV Architects

This article is an extract from our November issue. Read the full issue here.

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