The Evolution of Excellence

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Cover image courtesy of Studio BHD, photography by Paris Brummer.

We work, try, struggle, persist, plan, keep the passion alive, experience a few small wins, experience a few small failures, day in and day out, constantly. All of this until one day, years down the line someone offers you a sobering tap on the shoulder — almost as though you’re being pulled out of a ‘this-is-life’ hypnosis — and says, ‘Hey, look at you, you’ve made it!’ … That’s my definition of Excellence.

It is both an easy and impossible word to define… I don’t think we quite know how we arrive at excellence most of the time. We just know it’s been hundreds of hours and days of one foot in front of the other, passion, planning, persistence, and small wins. But you’ve made it and you’re here. And that is why we are here — to announce to the world and your industry that you and your firm are exemplars of excellence! Sing it! Your incredible journey has landed you on the Shortlist and into this magnificent SCAPE Awards of Excellence Shortlist Edition. Let me tell you, that’s no small feat.

Real Excellence takes time, and so does building the stage to celebrate it! On the 15th of March our team, in partnership with the exceptional brand that is Infinity Surfaces, launched the inaugural SCAPE Awards of Excellence 2024. The concept of these awards wasn’t born overnight. This passion project was a day-in and day-out contemplation, finally born as our way of recognising YOU. An approach of promoting our architecture and design industry in a meaningful way, a showcase of the exceptional projects, artisans, and firms, in a way that hasn’t been done before — starting a conversation across the globe! With a lineup that grew overnight to accommodate 19 categories and over 50 international jurors (who jumped in with both feet from across the globe), the appetite for the SCAPE Awards of Excellence has been nothing short of… well Excellent! To the game-changers, trailblazers, boundary pushers and visionaries — It’s time to show the world that we are not just keeping up; we’re leading the way.

This initiative is also a huge standing ovation to every single firm, project and dreamer who dared to enter. In the end we had so many close calls and longlists of hundreds and HUNDREDS of entrants, so we encourage you to keep shooting for the stars because we’re already planning exciting new categories for next year and we’ve got something EPIC on the horizon.

Ladies and gentlemen, headphones on, we are now starting our guided tour through the spaces and places of Excellence…

Read the full shortlist issue here.

XOXO Chanel


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